
SLPO capacity building

Welcome to the St. Louis Philanthropic Organization’s Capacity Building Website! On this site you will find valuable tools and resources designed to help you strengthen your organization’s capabilities and systems.

2024 Responsive Grant Cycle

The 2024 Responsive Grant Cycle is now closed. Organizations will be notified in mid to late April regarding the status of their application.

Capacity Building Workshop Opportunity:

Spring 2024 Capacity Building Opportunity on Leadership and Creating a Culture for Change!


The St. Louis Philanthropic Organization hosted its Spring capacity building workshop on Leadership and Change Management on March 6th! Our esteemed workshop presenters were Miriam and Anthony Dicks from 180 Management Group, a specialized operations and consulting firm focusing on operational strategy and design for nonprofit organizations (

Below is the workshop webinar recording as well as the presentations for the “Transforming Your Leadership to Thrive in a Rapidly Changing World” and “ Developing a Culture of Change in Your Organization.”

Developing a Culture of Change in Your Organization Presentation

Transforming Leadership in a Rapidly Changing World Presentation

[Link to Recording] slpo-workshop-2024   [Password: fS9v3XQ$]

Quotes from Participants:

"Perspective was everything for me. When [Anthony] talked about not being able to solve complex problems with technical solutions it resonated with me, and I was able to identify the need for an immediate paradigm shift in my operations."

"Anthony was an excellent presenter - energetic and informational. He shared so much information that is relevant to my agency right now. I really appreciated the "making stories rather than telling stories" scenario and will adopt that into my development narrative. "Vision must be operationalized" was another great quote that I have already taken back to my team to dissect how we can better act on this. Just a lot of great information and learning."

"Miriam was a great presenter - incredibly knowledgeable and approachable. She did an excellent job of breaking down some of the challenges that keep us from moving forward as an agency. My aha moment of her presentation was that "a belief leads to behaviors that lead to practices," - oh so true! As leaders, we can define and determine how the team views the work we do and the culture within our agency. In our staff meeting later that day one of the team members said, "It's ok, we are family here," and it really made me think about what that means and if that is the best culture for our agency. Great insight!"

"I am so grateful that I had the opportunity to attend this SLPO sponsored workshop presented by 180 Management Group! The topics were incredibly relevant to leading in the nonprofit space at this moment in time and addressed challenges with thought-provoking solutions. Anthony and Miriam are excellent presenters, combining insight and engagement with energetic delivery. There was a great combination of group-think and individual assessment that added value to the experience by giving us time to hear from other agencies and reflect on our own. Just a really great experience that left me feeling energized, supported, and heard. Thank you!"

"I did not know what to expect upon my arrival, but I walked away with a wealth of knowledge to help myself and our organization grow and remain healthy."

Grantwriting Workshop

On Thursday, December 13th, the SLPO sponsored a grantwriting workshop "Leveling Up: Grantwriting Designed to Take Your Organization to the Next Level '' in partnership with Mosaic Beginnings. The recording, PowerPoint presentation and resource document are below:

What You Gained:

  • 📚 Insights into impactful grant writing

  • 🎙️ Recorded session for convenient access

  • 🖥️ PowerPoint presentation to guide your strategy

  • 📑 Resource document for comprehensive support

Why You Should Watch:

If you missed the live session, now is your chance to access valuable resources. Dive into the tools that can transform your organization and elevate your capacity to make a lasting impact in St. Louis City.

Ready to level up? Explore the recording, presentation, and resources available on our capacity building website at

[Link to Recording]  slpo-grant-writing-workshop-2023.mp4

[Link to PowerPoint]  slpo-grant-writing-workshop-2023 ppt


Grantwriting Designed To Take Your Organization To The Next Level

Setting Your Organization Up for Success!

Strategies Designed to Develop a Quality Grant Proposal

Nonprofit Governance Webinar:

Becoming an Effective Board On Purpose

Going Beyond the Grant Webinar

Tools and Resources


Helpful lINKS

Helpful vIDEOS

Financial Management Workshop - Part 1

Watch Workshop Replay

Download Workshop Powerpoint


Financial Management Workshop - Part 2

Watch Workshop Replay


Download Workshop Powerpoint

Evaluation Workshop


Watch Workshop Replay

Download Workshop Powerpoint



Have Questions?

Please contact, please contact us at:

Telephone: (314) 534-4452
